Dameon Thompson in 2009

Dameon Thompson in 2009

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Originally intended as a moniker for video game scoring, Anemometer was a project started by Dameon Thompson in early 2011. After his first two releases Something To See, Not To Say (2012) and Alternate Residence (2013) he soon realized his music could be enjoyed without the accompaniment of pixel graphics.

His influences ranged widely from classical to metal and electronic ambience; Final Fantasy’s Nobuo Uematsu to The Locust, Prokofiev to Messaien. Though hints of these eclectic styles can be heard, none are obvious. 

Before his untimely passing in 2018, Dameon had come close to completing what would be his third and final album An Affordable Paradigm. Recovered and lovingly reassembled by Sweatband Records two years later - along with memo recordings of personal notes and dreams - his final album can finally be enjoyed by Anemometer fans everywhere.

An Affordable Paradigm can be pre-ordered in our shop HERE.

Bandcamp / Bandcamp (Archive)


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